Sunday, April 13, 2014

Satin Print

As I turn the corner into the parking lot at my job... Turn off the radio, check, roll up the window, turn the car off, check, grab purse and lunch bag, check. Oh SashaMichelle's cup, still has juice, (I'll put it in my cooler for later), check, Id badge, Check.

Walking towards the building on a beautiful sunny day I am eternally grateful for waking up. As I pass security I realized, I have SashaMichelle's Sippy cup instead of my cup of coffee! What a way to start my Friday morning!

Let's rewind to about 6:00 am. I snooze my alarm way too many times and finally roll out of bed at 6:15 am, as soon as my feet hit the ground I hear "Mommy, I have booboos!" SashaMichelle is up and at it. We are potty training so I ask if she wants to sit on the potty. She obliges but already took care of business in her diaper :( It's a process I know...

Fast forward to 7:30 am I am finally on the road but know that I will be pushing it to make it on time, we are supposed to leave the house by 7:15 am! Luckily I get to SashaMichelle's daycare by 8:10 am and fly over to my office (thank God I am only 8 minutes from her daycare). I like to blame the Sippy Cup situation on my mommy brain but it was purely racing to get to work on time. After having to walk back to the car and get my coffee, I was still on time! Yay go me :) LOL

Fashion Creation of the Week

This week my project was to make a funky print (satin) top to wear with just about anything. I used New Look 0907 and it came out much better than I could have anticipated. I am a novice so anything I do now is pretty much my first time. I used bias tape for the first time and messed up so I had to cut the collar twice. I plan on making this shirt again and using the bias tape correctly but making a few alterations to the pattern. I will upload the second top as soon as I finish it.

I plan on creating 1-2 projects per week. That's a lot for me but having this blog will help me discover more and get better and better!

This is very new to me so please bear with me. I would appreciate any suggestions.

The New Look Pattern 0907

The Awesome Print I snagged form Jo-Ann's Fabric

The Finished Product!


  1. I saw this blouse in person and want a few for myself! I know you claim to be a novice, but girlie YOU ROCK!!!!

  2. That blouse looks great! I would never know you're a novice! Great job!

  3. Omygosh! I love your blog! Yaaaayyyyy!!!! :) I LOVE your writing style! I totally understand about the coffee... I'm a total coffee junkie. I love this shirt! You may be a novice, but you certaintly have a gift. I am not sure that I could pull this off. It's hard enough just to sew buttons back on things. Lol. I look forward to following more of your journey! I'm super proud of you! :)

    1. Oh thank you! I look forward to adding many new creations and I hope everyone will enjoy this ride with me :)

  4. You are awesome! I can't imagine being a mommy to a young child, having a full time job, getting crafty projects done, and having time to spend with friends and family. You inspire me!!!
